- June 12, 2013 172
We just returned from the 14th Annual Art of the Portrait Conference in Philadelphia last week excited by the interest shown by hundreds of artists in Rublev Colours Artists Oils. These artists displayed intense enthusiasm for learning about traditional colors and how they can be used in contemporary portrait painting...
- December 04, 2014 242
A two-day Master Class will be offered by the J. Paul Getty Museum Department of Education and taught by artist Sylvana Barrett on Medieval and Renaissance gilding techniques as practiced by Manuscript Illuminators. Gilded embellishments in texts have an ancient history stretching back into antiquity. Elaborate techniques developed during the Medieval Period became the standards by which gilding is judged today...
- October 01, 2015 2627
This three-day workshop will give you the skills to complete fresco painting for walls and portable panels. The course begins with hands-on instruction on applying plaster. Using a prototype, you draw and paint the cartoon, transfer it to the plaster and begin painting the image. At the end of this workshop, you will complete a portable fresco to take home with you...
- September 01, 2016 1288
Natural Pigments spent years developing a technical workshop to teach skills that are not taught in art schools and universities—a thorough understanding of artists’ materials and tools, what they are designed to do, when to choose them and how to provide considerable longevity to your finished work. This workshop covers the most important aspects of painting that have proven to be the best practices over the centuries...
- December 08, 2018 201
Painting Best Practices Workout is the latest technical workshop on artists' materials and best painting practices. This six-day course provides hands-on learning on preparing supports for painting, making and applying grounds, paint making, pigments, and selecting and applying varnishes. All materials for the Workout are provided with the tuition...
- July 23, 2015 239
Panel discussion examines painting materials and artistic practice through the ages with a special focus on oil painting. The discussion includes thirty-minute lectures by Brian Baade and Kristen deGehtaldi, painting conservators from the Winterthur/University of Delaware, and George O'Hanlon, technical director of Natural Pigments...